Alexa, play "That's Not My Name" by The Ting Tings

By ItalianBabyDoll - 11/04/2020 14:00

Today, during my boyfriends birthday dinner, his father shouted, “Jessica, can you slice me a piece too?” My name isn’t Jessica and I’ve been in their family for over two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 698
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chrissutter35 5

My wife is called Jessica, my dad called her Jennifer for 2 years

ojoRojo 27

Just because you’ve been with your boyfriend for 2 years, that doesn’t mean his family is as invested as he is. Unless you see his dad every day, it’s not super surprising that he’d mess up your name from time to time. He’ll get there, don’t worry


I say wrong names a few times. If that's his only time, get over it. If he does it with the same name and often, depending on his age, correct him. My father (in his 70s) says the wrong name a lot for myself and my mom...

chrissutter35 5

My wife is called Jessica, my dad called her Jennifer for 2 years

ojoRojo 27

Just because you’ve been with your boyfriend for 2 years, that doesn’t mean his family is as invested as he is. Unless you see his dad every day, it’s not super surprising that he’d mess up your name from time to time. He’ll get there, don’t worry

You're not in your boyfriend's family until you are married. Real life isn't Olive Garden where you're family just by showing up, Jessica. Now, quit hogging the cake, Jessica, and slice a piece for Pop!

Was it a one off or does it seem pointed? Also, how often are you around them? I used to accidentally call my brother's (now) ex-wife by his former GF's name when talking about her, never to her face, but my brain just blipped every now and then and called her the wrong name. It's unlikely it's intentional or a personal attack.

leximichelle 13

Growing up with five siblings, my mother would regularly call three or four wrong names before getting to the correct one, and she picked them out. Unless it seemed intentional, probably best to chalk it up to human error and let it go.

WistayShlaio82 13

Depending on what your name is, if it starts with a j for example, it was either a mistake or...his other girlfriend is named Jessica.

randybryant799 20

Just so you know if he's your boyfriend then you are not in his family.