By cerulean - 10/10/2017 01:30

Today, a nurse berated me for not being able to lift my leg myself so she could put a cast on. My leg is broken in two places. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 449
You deserved it 281

Same thing different taste

Top comments

“Why are you even putting a cast on?!” “Because your leg is broken.” “So?” “So?! So you’d be in immense pain if you moved… ah.”


Hopefully it was just a slip-up. Get well, OP!

“Why are you even putting a cast on?!” “Because your leg is broken.” “So?” “So?! So you’d be in immense pain if you moved… ah.”

gracefulmonk 8

Report her. That is verbal abuse and you shouldn't have to had tolerated that.

ohsnapword 21

You realize that "break a leg" is a figure of speech, right?

Lobby_Bee 17

Is that nurse also your drill sergeant? Lift that damn leg up you useless maggot!

Iceflame14 6

I would been like, "bitch, please!"

what a bitch call n complain to administrator of the hospital

what a bitch call n complain to administrator of the hospital

I mean to be fair nurses have a lot on especially in the ER. I mean the 8 year old in the next room over got a pea stuck up their nose and the person on the other side scratched their knee! I mean they are pretty serious compared to your broken leg! 😂