By nadalada - 18/02/2009 08:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a gift card for $32 to a local salon. I thought the amount was kind of random, but when I went in I saw that the bikini wax was $32. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 509
You deserved it 13 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was an amazingly clever hint. Kudos to your BF.

At least he's hinting at it instead of making a gross face and screaming next time your panties come off. He'll show his appreciation.


That's actually funny, if you would have thought of it as a joke.

At least he's hinting at it instead of making a gross face and screaming next time your panties come off. He'll show his appreciation.

Only $32? That's quite a lot for a bikini wax. It costs me £15 round here, at the more expensive places.

Your BF is very clever and #10 made me lol

Nothing wrong with a little scruff on the muff

mxij 13

Yeah, but when it starts to look like an angry badger, you might consider waxing

is there a reason that so many of these comments are all "DO WHAT YOUR BOYFRIEND LIKES!" If you want the wax, get it. If not, HE can suck it up.

misseva1012 3

You should take into consideration what he likes. He's the one with his face down there. Not you.

Lol he can SUCK it up... Was the pun intended?

thatonetribute 31

Yes, 110. But guess what? It's my body. It's not made for pleasing men. I do what I want with it.