By swervelol - 14/07/2016 19:06

Today, as well as for the past two weeks, my brother has been making up songs about farts and singing them non-stop. He's 26. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 766
You deserved it 1 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would you rather he be silent, but deadly?

How mature of him. Maybe he'll make a living of it on the internet if you're lucky.


You'll probably find if he puts them on Youtube he'll get about a gazillian hits for them!

How mature of him. Maybe he'll make a living of it on the internet if you're lucky.

Lol. Men. Never stop being boys sometimes.

I guess you can finally say his music is shit. He had an opportunity yet he blew it. It must stink for him and for you, because he could've had songs that could've exploded, but he just didn't want it to go with the flow.

Would you rather he be silent, but deadly?

If you provide auditory and olfactory accompaniment for his songs, perhaps he'll stop

SargeRho 6

We don't grow up. We just get bigger.

Reminds me of Gene from Bob's Burgers. What's the point of acting like a adult even around your family when you have to adult out there. Let him be childish where he can.