By nadalada - 18/02/2009 08:06 - United States

Today, my boyfriend gave me a gift card for $32 to a local salon. I thought the amount was kind of random, but when I went in I saw that the bikini wax was $32. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 499
You deserved it 13 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was an amazingly clever hint. Kudos to your BF.

At least he's hinting at it instead of making a gross face and screaming next time your panties come off. He'll show his appreciation.


He's paying for you to get extra grooming that he happens to like. Why would you be offended?

At least he paid for just a bikini wax instead of a brazilian. Instead, though, spend $8 on the Sally Hensons do it yourself wax. That way you don't have to have some stranger staring down your woolly ******.

HAHAHA @ #20 However, I would love a boyfriend who paid for my bikini waxes. Way more expensive in Reno than $32.

FlavorfulUnicorn 4

Here's what I would say: "Dude, you first."

And why the hell do you want to keep that hairy monster down there?? are you fond of it?? do you like the way the shampoo feels on your crotch?? just do it!

Get something else done with your hair, make it all nice. Then get him to go down on you without getting a wax.

Xaviera_X 0

Hmm. So he wants you to change something about your appearance, and instead of talking to you about it he hints in a somewhat passive-aggressive way? That sucks. Sounds like you two need to have a chat.

Your hairy vaginus disgusts me. Touche "your bf" way to tell her what's up. Hairy snatch falls under the worst category of gross. I feel bad since you did get pwned by your bfs subtle hint, but come on, you gotta know there are VERY few guys that like nething more than an airstrip below the belt. haha