By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 06:29 - United States

Today, my boyfriend found out I have OCD. When I touch something with one hand I have to touch it with the other or I freak. After I brushed his face with the back of my hand he tackled me to the floor, held me down, and laughed at me while I panicked and tried to touch him with my other hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 335
You deserved it 16 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

whthe... surely you mean ex... why on earth would he think that would be funny? Oo....

so... if you accidentally touch a strangers butt- do you have to do it again?


LukeNukem_fml 3

OMG, this gave me some laughs.

Edit: Whoops. I hate when my comments end up in the wrong place. Sorry. :(

What kinda timeframe we talking about cause can't u just save it up and touch him at another time... I'm sure he'll get off of you at some point

As several others have pointed out, it's not a rational thing. It may seem logical for OP to just chill out and do it later, and she might even see the logic in that too, when she's not in the middle of a panic attack. But panic and anxiety don't need to make sense when you're in the midst of an attack. You just feel a certain strong emotion and it overwhelms your logical self very quickly.

I thought I was the only one who did that!! I have to touch things with both hands.

xicano 0

you should submerge you're hand in boiling water. then wait n see if u want to dip you're other hand..... problem solved

You should submerge "you're" whole self in boiling water. And stay inside it for a while. There, one of the many problems the gene pool had is now solved! Seriously though, you have no heart or understanding of mental/medical conditions, do you?

xicano 0

I apologize I was j/k dint mean to offend u

Mikehawk182 0

Geez...everyone is all butt hurt over this lol....this is freakin hilarious!!!!....ydi for NOT touching his weiner!

this is fantastic, the dog poop comment is great too. +5 for your boyfriend

megamandude455 10

I have a little OCD. but it's official. this is by far the funniest fml I've ever read. I'm just glad he didn't let you up op while you were trying to touch him again, or that would've been an epic brush