By Alex - 07/10/2010 10:10 - United States

Today, I noticed that my wife changed her status on Facebook to "widow" and a lot of strange guys commented saying stuff like "Finally." Last I checked, I'm not dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 520
You deserved it 3 261

Same thing different taste

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xdeadxradiox 0

Dude, don't say that! The other FMLers might attack you!

you badstard! how dare you moderate! idc if it is in you basic abilitys, you don't ever, EVER, moderate. (JP)

killa, please don't speak my name in vain.

I am a child of the spell-check generation. though I usually get words right... anyways I apologise for almost using your name in vain. also thanks for not being an ass about my spelling error, I appriciate it.

cjwalsh86 0

Apologize...appreciate. I think you fail.

dude I agree. if she put that on there and people are saying "finally", they were either planning your death or it'd be a convience to them. watch out, so you don't get into any "accidents". seriously.

KittehSayzRAWR 0
EricErection69 0

5 is correct run change your name and face and move to Canada:)

I would look over my shoulder.. she's scheming something...

Schizomaniac 24

There is nothing wrong with what he said.

Schizomaniac 24

And for some reason, my comment is here. *Siiiiiigh*


it's America i can say yer if I want(:

I suggest you not eat her cooking and watch her carefully

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well time to go out and get yourself a newer model....