By Anonymous - 15/02/2012 19:26 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. He let me know by shaving "CYA" into my dog's fur and then moving out before I got home from work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 859
You deserved it 2 779

Same thing different taste


structuredchaoz 4

Not too worry hun. I'm sure you dodged a bullet.

At least he said it in a unique, if not grammatically correct, way.

chels1994 11

what a dick you should write "CYA" on something of his >.

BrysGirl27 14

What a douche bag!!! And poor puppy:/

JRokka850 6

Lmao atleast you will remember him

coleycupcake14 0