By Anonymous - 15/02/2012 19:26 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. He let me know by shaving "CYA" into my dog's fur and then moving out before I got home from work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 859
You deserved it 2 779

Same thing different taste


wildfiresgirl 7

That is so ironic because we use the acronym "CYA" where I work which means, "Cover Your Ass" hahaha

Fy dogs life. Poor puppy. Nasty dude! B glad he is gone!

He's an asshole. You should be glad you're no longer with him, now you can find someone better.

Gandretti 0

That dog must've been drugged or lazy as **** for him to be able to cut that in a dogs hair.

Gather up piles of your dogs poo and stack it on his front door saying "OK"

ironwolf56 5

Sounds like your boyfriend has some issues; probably saved you some stress all this. Sorry about your dog though.