By Anonymous - 27/02/2016 11:17 - United States

Today, I forgot to bring my lunch to work. I got so hungry, I resorted to eating antacid tablets from the medicine cabinet for lunch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 243
You deserved it 6 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't order something or take a lunch break somewhere? That's really sad OP lol


When exactly was the last time you ate? I have missed lunch before while working but never have I been that hungry.

This makes me wonder if OP skipped breakfast or something, because while skipping a meal isn't a pleasant experience, you shouldn't be so starved that you resort to antacid tablets. I'm inclined to think that OP is just a little weak-willed, because for most people, missing a meal won't hurt anything. In fact, it can do more good than harm if you do it in a controlled fashion (not compulsively from a mental disorder); many people, including myself, will intermittently fast. I'm sorry that OP forgot their lunch, but the human body is easily capable of going on without food for a few extra hours... suck it up next time, don't go eating out of the medicine cabinet just because you're not used to being really hungry.

Could also have an undiagnosed medical condition like diabetes or pregnancy. If I go too long on an empty stomach I get extremely nauseous (sometimes to the point of heaving). Pregnancy makes the amount of time ridiculously short (approx 2hrs). Eating too soon after waking also = nauseous.

yenze 18

"undiagnosed medical condition like... Pregnancy" just made me laugh

Yeah I hate skipping lunch but I've done it before without eating breakfast either

Pretty sure if I missed lunch I wouldn't be able to function. Not everyone is able to skip meals easily.

What exactly were you hoping to accomplish there?

juturnaamo 29

I'm guessing it was to stop their stomach rumbling.

You can't order something or take a lunch break somewhere? That's really sad OP lol

I agree. Though maybe op can't afford it? I work full time and I can barely afford eating out more than a few times a month.

They could have also asked a co-worker for some money, right? I am sure they would have understood the situation and as long as they were paid back everything should have been alright.

Well at least you won't get heartburn.

BeautifulChaos27 37

If you are so broke you can't afford to just get a new lunch, how about ask a co-worker to maybe split theirs and explain the situation. I'm sure you could find somebody who would give up half a sandwich... or maybe just buy you a new lunch altogether..

well, were you having acid was the real question.

ydi. you couldn't go to the store our something and get lunch?