By Anonymous - 15/02/2012 19:26 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. He let me know by shaving "CYA" into my dog's fur and then moving out before I got home from work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 859
You deserved it 2 779

Same thing different taste


Maturity plus! Poor you, & your poor dog! Sometimes people do us the favour of exiting our lives for good reason.. Chin up ;)

reilyn 10

1. Beg for him to come back. Offer gifts. 2. Seduce him and give him the best sex of his life. 3. When he's passed out, carve CYA into his ballsack with a razor. If his dick gets in the way, cut it off. Animal abusers piss me off more than anything in this world.

doglover100 28

He's a jerk and rude. Poor dog.

Could be worse. He could've kidnapped the dog.

JudgeComrade 17

Why would he leave you a message saying "Cover Your Ass"?