By unwantedforlife - 20/11/2013 00:19 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me but wanted to make sure that we were still friends, so he could still use my Netflix. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 963
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assure him he has permission, then change the password.

Ayeasha 7

You should tell him his Netflix privileges ended when your relationship ended.


I'm all for amicable breakups and trying to remain civil, but this guy sounds like a major tool. Def don't let him use you OP. None of us really know you, but I think we all know you deserve better.

Tell him you'll still suck his dick if he wants then when he pulls his pants down punch him in the dick!!

Good riddance! The lad can't even be bothered to pay £5.99 a month for his own netflix account?!

Change the password and tell him to get his own Netflix account

Tell him that things are more than great between you then cancel your Netflix or cut him off

afallingstar 22

I had this issue with my ex. Didn't want a relationship but thought it was ok to use my Netflix. First log out of all devices. Then log in and change your password. When he asks about it ignore him.

You should just tell him yes and change the password.