By unwantedforlife - 20/11/2013 00:19 - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me but wanted to make sure that we were still friends, so he could still use my Netflix. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 963
You deserved it 3 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assure him he has permission, then change the password.

Ayeasha 7

You should tell him his Netflix privileges ended when your relationship ended.


iamzikang 17
Sitting_Ducki 8

OP get on your computer go to settings, log out all users, in case he has it saved on his computer, then log back in and create a new password.

reymon8823 24

I just watched Caveman on Netflix and it was epic!

Ahhhh the talents of Ringo Starr ... Never-ending.

@61 you are entitled to your own opinion, but i don't think you realize that most people share accounts like that, it just makes sense. My boyfriend and one other friend use my prime account with no problems. And a year ago, my now ex used it. He just had the decency to not ask to stay on. You can create authorized users who can access streaming video but not your payment info

Alexzandriah 9

Tell that boy to go **** himself.

What a ******' user!? And too cheap to pay 7 or 8 quid a month for his own netflix? You're well shot of him...

ViviMage 38

Reminds me of the FML where the ex wanted to still use the coffee maker! Change the password and move on!