By bitch - 16/05/2017 05:00 - United States - San Diego

Today, I dumped my boyfriend. To celebrate being newly single, I wanted to watch some shows on Netflix. My now ex-boyfriend had already changed the password. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 293
You deserved it 10 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it was his account, he is a right to not let you piggy back off his account. If it is yours, just contact them and tell the situation.

It's 12 bucks a month. Get yourself an account, you cheapskate!


If it was his account, he is a right to not let you piggy back off his account. If it is yours, just contact them and tell the situation.

It's 12 bucks a month. Get yourself an account, you cheapskate!

Every dollar you make is 1 closer to a million.

How do you know it's not the OPs account?

Through logic? If it were her account she could simply change the password again through password recovery email.

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Don't know why I'm getting so many down votes, maybe I should've elaborated that the reason I broke up with her was because I got a call from a guy who found out we were a total of 3 guys she was sleeping with (all during the same period of time), and so she lost all of us the same day. The netflix piggyback was the only revenge I could ever get, what's so wrong with that? or is it that every person that down voted has been victim of a netflix piggyback hahaha

Attacksloth 33

So, the real question is - does it still work?

I agree with Mynxie. Sucks though, my ex had completely forgotten had her Netflix account on my laptop and so I'd discretly use it haha! Come to think of it it's been a while since I tried it out I should go check if she changed it yet

This needs more details... if it was your account, FYL...

If it was OP's account then she could just go through a password reset and this wouldn't be an FML.

guess you should have thought about that. you're a big girl, get your own Netflix.

Looks like he Netflix-and-chilled you over one last time. What a vindictive mother-Netflix-and-chiller!

I'm just wondering how watching Netflix is celebrating being single.

Lobby_Bee 17

With a tub of mint chocolate chip ice cream, it will be.

That's not celebrating being single, that's being upset after being dumped.

I was thinking the exact same thing! Netflix is hardly classified as a celebration.

we all celebrate how we want. I had a cancer patient celebrating their last treatment by going to bed. not all celebrations include drinking, drugs, partying or whatever else.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

YDI for thinking the benefits of dating him would extend past your dating. YDI even more for whinging about it.

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