By anonymous - 02/04/2016 04:11 - United States - Westminster

Today, my sister still refuses to pay back all the money she owes me because she once bought me something from the dollar menu at McDonald's. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 002
You deserved it 1 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I cannot stand greedy siblings. So not a good trait to have. I hope you get your money back. Buy her something worth a dollar. Now she will have no excuse not to pay you back!


Nieios 5

hey man, McDonald's is the shit, gotta be worth something

McDonald's aint worth shit if your owed more than a dollar

McDonald's gives me the *****. Does that count?

DeadxManxWalking 27

How much we talking? $2 or $100?

Probably less than $1. Considering the sister's reaction, it would make the most cents.

T_Seg_101 18

Well, I guess you never getting that money back!! Siblings are the worst that way...

UserError94 18

**** yea! I'm gonna go by Uncle Sam a mcdouble. Screw you taxes!

She'll learn her lesson when you stop lending her money.

I cannot stand greedy siblings. So not a good trait to have. I hope you get your money back. Buy her something worth a dollar. Now she will have no excuse not to pay you back!

Right! Every birthday every Christmas every holiday that involves exchanging gifts, give her exactly one gift certificate to the dollar menu. Eventually she'll get the hint.

ulissey_fml 22

I see why you have a chip on your shoulder.