Where did it all go wrong?

By Tang - 06/09/2023 10:00

Today, my last 2 ex-girlfriends, who each left me for someone else, are either travelling the world, own multiple online shops, and both are drop dead gorgeous. I have to work a full-time job while my health deteriorates from stress, bills pile up, and having been sexless for two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 423
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you need to work on yourself and not worry about your ex's. in fact take them off your social media. you also have to remember what you see online isn't real. it's what they want you to see. you don't see the filters, the crazy amount of debt they may have to travel, the long hours doing an online business etc. their probably not as happy with their spouse as you think they are. none of it is real. they have all the same stress and problems you do.


you need to work on yourself and not worry about your ex's. in fact take them off your social media. you also have to remember what you see online isn't real. it's what they want you to see. you don't see the filters, the crazy amount of debt they may have to travel, the long hours doing an online business etc. their probably not as happy with their spouse as you think they are. none of it is real. they have all the same stress and problems you do.

Evidently, you're a good "practice" boyfriend. If only you could find a way to make a living from that!