By dykerino - 12/10/2014 00:11 - Canada - Vancouver

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me because I cut my hair short and he didn't want people to think he was gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 711
You deserved it 7 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments

giantsfan2010 23

Girls with short hair don't look like gay men...some look really good actually!

He sounds like an insecure and controlling jerk. It's only a haircut for Christ sake. Good riddance.


giantsfan2010 23

Girls with short hair don't look like gay men...some look really good actually!

johndog699 18

agree with that and it's easy to tell that the other is a lady even if she has her head shave clean

Well it depends on how short. The way she describes it however, it definitely wasnt short enough to warrent that.

why must short hair immediately mean shes a man? its nothing but length. yes its more common to see women with short hair, but cant we move forward in our thinking?

Some look really good, but most do just end up looking really butch and/or unattractive.

incoherentrmblr 21

Like this if you thought the FML title was creative...

Hair is really superficial in the end, shouldn't have been that big of a problem

LuckBeNimble 19

SOME being the key word; just the same as some guys that can "pull off" long hair. it's really a matter of opinion in the end, I guess. however, sometimes people need to be honest with themselves and admit (as with clothes, certain colors/patterns, material) something doesn't look good on you. I don't look good in red, I can live with that; and barring OPs picture, maybe she does look bad with a pixie cut (though I highly doubt it's THAT bad).

And we found a shallow misogynist... A silly misogynist

Pretending that a woman must be a guy because she has short hair is definitely NOT strong preference. That's generalizing to both women,men and gay people as well as sexist and homophobic. Sure,he has a right to like long hair on women but he is implying they can't have short hair or else they must be a guy.

Please excuse me,it's not homophobic or generalizing of gay people in this particular situation unless he was implying they must be gay if they have short hair and can't be gay otherwise.

acerredrum 23

Breaking up with someone because they no longer fit a physical standard is pretty homophobic.

acerredrum 23

...I meant misogynistic. Do not read and write at the same time.

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That has got to be the biggest load of nonsense I've read today. What on earth does cutting your hair short and gaining a whole lot of weight then blaming it on genetics have to do with one another? OPs ex isn't obligated to date her but that doesn't make his reasons for dumping her any less shallow and it doesn't make him less of a douche. You sound like an asshole

acerredrum 23

Nope, I have preferences. How ever if I suddenly drop someone like a rock over a haircut because I am afraid of what other people will think, I am an asshole. Preferences are fine. I prefer bigger men, does this mean that I won't date smaller men? No of course not, it just means that bigger men catch my eye first. I prefer black women, does this mean I won't date white women? No that would be ridiculous. So long as I like someone for who they are that is the important part. The more I like someone the more attractive they are to me. The fact that OP's boyfriend dated her means he obviously liked her at least a bit, how ever any emotional connection they may or may not have had was overshadowed by a hair-cut. That is the text book definition of shallow.

I think the misogyny comes from thinking that short-haired girls look like guys, not from him preferring long hair on girls.

Correction: he doesn't want people to think he's dating a man with breast implants

He sounds like an insecure and controlling jerk. It's only a haircut for Christ sake. Good riddance.

JMichael 25

Yea, kind of a stupid and immature reason to break up with someone. OP is better off.

Yes exactly. Getting her hair along with he bf cut off was the best thing to happen to OP. Better to find out he's a jerk sooner than later right?

Klima_fml 29

If he loves you he'll see his mistake and come runnin back! Girls with short hair are the same as girls with long hair! Sorry OP!

If he comes running back, don't take him back. You deserve better.

If he loves/loved her, he wouldn't have dumped her for such a stupid reason.

Don't worry, he won't come back, he doesn't want to look gay.

rekkas 16

I was gonna make a Ned Flanders joke til I saw I got beat to it lol

lishajoy777 14

Maybe he's admitting something...

I know right now it's hard for you to see any good in this, but at least you aren't with somebody that cares so much about what others think! By him leaving, you're a step closer to finding that person that loves you for who you are on the inside and out! Keep your chin up, OP!