By meach - 06/08/2011 04:58 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me because of a bad haircut. She was the one who cut my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 867
You deserved it 4 187

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hope the new hair doesn't hold you back in finding a new gf with a steadier hand and who isn't a vain scissor toting bimbo

There was most likely another reason and she was using that as an excuse.


hope the new hair doesn't hold you back in finding a new gf with a steadier hand and who isn't a vain scissor toting bimbo

fyl? you weren't just called a dude LOL forgiven

otb113 7

"Today, I was mistaken for a man. Fml."

well in northern Ireland everyone is a sir

StopDropNRoll 11

Northern Ireland needs to get their things straight. Just saying

Blacksabbath211 9

also in some branches of the military every superior officer is 'sir', as well as anyone you wish to respect O.o

I'll bet your better off mistaking someone for a sir, than calling a man a mam

Well you were dating a retard, OP so consider it more a blessing than a FML that she broke up with you.

That sucks. I hope your haircut isn't that bad. :(

You really need to return her the favor. :). Hmmm.. Donate her hair to the cancer treatment place.

dstivers 0

Maybe she just wanted to screw you one last time while she had the chance

takeapieandrun 9

More likely than not she just chose that lame excuse because she already wanted to break up.

salvorican 24

Maybe you're the guy who pulled out the tank top and bra?