
By Anonymous - 27/02/2022 20:00 - United States - Wareham

Today, I found out my boyfriend didn’t know what quotation marks are. He’s 34. FML
I agree, your life sucks 862
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If this is the only problem you have with your boyfriend, count yourself as fortunate. It’s hard to say if your boyfriend was poorly educated, just coasted through school, or is partially illiterate for some other reason. If this is just one of many things pointing to him being functionally illiterate then if you are looking for a future provider then look elsewhere unless a future of living on a McJob is OK with you. It is possible to remedy a poor education, but it is very difficult to do and the older we get the more difficult that is.

What did he think people were doing when they held up both hands and wiggled two fingers on each hand as they emphasized a word? If I said he was an "idiot," he'd think I just threw in random apostrophes and I was the idiot?


If this is the only problem you have with your boyfriend, count yourself as fortunate. It’s hard to say if your boyfriend was poorly educated, just coasted through school, or is partially illiterate for some other reason. If this is just one of many things pointing to him being functionally illiterate then if you are looking for a future provider then look elsewhere unless a future of living on a McJob is OK with you. It is possible to remedy a poor education, but it is very difficult to do and the older we get the more difficult that is.

What did he think people were doing when they held up both hands and wiggled two fingers on each hand as they emphasized a word? If I said he was an "idiot," he'd think I just threw in random apostrophes and I was the idiot?

Nhayaa2.0 17

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