By Murlocmurk - 05/12/2012 17:04 - United States

Today, at school, I have to do a 45 minute presentation with a girl who has panic attacks so bad that she cries, runs out of the room, and sometimes passes out. This presentation terrifies her and it's a major part of my final grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 637
You deserved it 2 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know FYL because its important, but I have something to say. Take it easy on her. I get panic attacks too. A lot. Sometimes because of stressful situations like those, sometimes because something feels wrong in my body, sometimes for no reason in hte middle of the night. It feels like you are going to die when it gets bad, that it won't stop til you're heart explodes, or you want to faint. Your body feels numb all over, you think you'll collapse. You just feel so anxious you want to get out of wherever you are- I have to walk of metros or out of classrooms. It's hell. Try to be there for her, to understand, maybe she'll be better. Please try to calm her.


To bad it's not on the epidemic of stage fright... Then it would turn into a great demonstration speech!

crackz12 10

Yea but either way sounds like hed be doing it alone. Maybe the professor will cut you some slack

tell your teacher/professor that and if she runs finish what youve completed get a mark, go to mums kill Phillip (Sorry), then pick up Liz,go to the Winchester and have a nice pint and wait for it all to blow over.

Let's just hope that they mark you individually for your effort. Good luck

That would be fair. If not, OP can get her to take a little Xanax to calm her enough to do the presentation. Calming tea might also do the trick. Works for me every time.

Inheritance 10

I doubt they will make it group grade. Since they have to know about her panic attacks. So OP has no reason to panic.

Generally, there's an individual mark and an overall group mark. If OP is good enough, and well spoken on the topic, it could be enough to override the potentially poor overall mark. I had the same issue this past semester.

We have a girl who bawls when the teacher asks her a question, I'm sorry

MichellinMan 20

There was a girl who threw up and started screaming when anyone said "blood" or anything of that manner at my school. Every school has someone who has weird freakouts about weird things.

Yeah. There's a guy I unfortunately have to interact with who moans and covers his ears and rocks back and forth if there is music on that does not fit his standards of perfection. I avoid him at mandatory school gatherings.

I guess you guys have never suffered from mental health problems then.. lucky you!

MissCharlotte_fml 26

38- how the hell did she handle her period then??

I'm like that. I'm assuming it's unwanted questions, like when the teacher asks something, and half the class raises their hand, but she doesn't then the teacher calls on her. It's really nerve wracking, because unless people with forms of anxiety are welcoming all the attention, the people looking at them becomes very overwhelming very quickly.

loserboii 11

Maybe if she passes out enough times over the 45 minutes the teacher will excuse you both.

More like **** her life lol, that must really suck.

fyl! you should be graded separate, doesn't seem fair, unless you got to pick partners, then its your fault...

I know FYL because its important, but I have something to say. Take it easy on her. I get panic attacks too. A lot. Sometimes because of stressful situations like those, sometimes because something feels wrong in my body, sometimes for no reason in hte middle of the night. It feels like you are going to die when it gets bad, that it won't stop til you're heart explodes, or you want to faint. Your body feels numb all over, you think you'll collapse. You just feel so anxious you want to get out of wherever you are- I have to walk of metros or out of classrooms. It's hell. Try to be there for her, to understand, maybe she'll be better. Please try to calm her.

daringtoride 27

Thank you, 8, for explaining it. I also get panic attacks, but I'm trying to get help for it. For those who don't know what it feels like, mine feel as if my chest has tightened and my throat closed up - like I can't get enough air in my lungs quickly enough. I began shaking, and the feeling of not having eaten for a couple days comes in. Absolutely terrible, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Bed time becomes a nightmare for me- for once no play on words intended. Basically I have nothing else to think about, to distract myself, so I just start to stress, and then I panic, and I can't stop thinking about it and it becomes a vicious cycle. I don't get much sleep. SO then the next day I dread the next night, stressing in advance for the panic. If I feel anything wrong in my body, even perceived, I freak out, I panic and think I might die. I get chest pains a lot and I can't even tell what's real and what I make up by thinking too hard.

Corrupt_waffles 13

I used to get panic attacks when I was very little at night. The thing is I couldn't name it and therefore could get no help because the adults around me didn't know what was wrong. Well I guess I grew out of it...but then I developed sleep paralysis. Almost everyone on my mothers side has it because it's genetic and nothing can be done. :( But yeah. Take it easy on her. It's not really something that can be helped. I say **** both your lives. It's awful to live with and your grade may be at stake if the teacher is a jerk.

Pleonasm, I don't know if this is a stupid question or not, but can someone actually die from a panic attack? Like suffocating themselves from not being able to breath?!?

I have no idea, I don't have trouble breathing when I get panic attacks, and I am no expert on the matter. I just feel like My chest is gonna explode or like I'm gonna black out. I get shivers, my body goes cold or numb or stiff, I may feel like puking. I hear that panic atacks don't lead to death, but I can't give you any definitive answers.

I've only had a panic attack once and it was awful. I couldn't breath and I started shaking. I feel so sorry for people who get them easily/for no reason, it's a really terrible experience :(

No, since it's all in your head you would just pass out and then start breathing again. Same reason as why you can't suffocate yourself with only your hands

venus89 17

As of right now, there is no known cases of people dying from it. I get them bad as well. So does my aunt. I freaked out when it got worse and my mum (she's a crnp) had to tell me what to do. I had a professor actually fail me because I couldn't do a speech. I even threw up on someone when I got up there. OP I know it will be tough, but after hearing what she is going threw maybe you can help her.

No, you can't die from/when having a panic attack. Having a panic attack means your body/mind thinks there's a threat/danger around you (and it goes into fight-or-flight mode) and there are all of these functions in your body preparing for danger and actually helping you if you were to get hurt. It feels horrible and you think you're going to die/pass out/go crazy, but it's actually the exact opposite. The worst thing that can happen is that it lasts for several hours. It's scary and very uncomfortable, but you can't die.

scarlet16 1

To anyone who is suffering from panic attacks: medication and therapy can really help. I've been on fluoxetine for almost a year. It took about five months to get the panic attacks and anxiety under control. I'm currently trying to get off the medication but it's hard when the feelings start to come back. Exercise, eating healthy and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and excessive amounts of sugar helps too. God luck.

winkydog4056 16

#55_what you've said is very accurate; however, this information is for those who do NOT have pre-existing hypertension, CHF or other cardiac conditions.

Very smart and well said. I didn't used to but now I do so it's just best if I stay home and do not go any where but even then I still get them and nothing and I mean nothing helps so like

tsent8 15

44- like your chest is gonna explode huh? Has anything recently hugged your face?

Very smart and well said. I didn't used to but now I do so it's just best if I stay home and do not go any where but even then I still get them and nothing and I mean nothing helps so like #8 said try to help her get thru it there is nothing that helps me and it hits me at anytime and any where even wake up like that sometimes and parilized with fear can't breath and can not move

My best friend fainted in high school because some friends of ours were tickling her. I was laughing while staring at her, then her eyes turned red, lips gone slightly purple, and I see her gasping for air. I scream for them to stop, but when they did she was on the ground hyperventilating. It was so terrifying! I didn't know what to do... The guys ran to get the nearest adult. ~ When she was better she explained how she was panicking. Her vision was blacking out, her heart felt like something was squeezing it and she couldn't breathe. I just hugged her and you guys get it...

My first time was the scariest since the symptoms were so similar to a heart attack. I did a presentation today and felt like I may have a minor one before but I had a weird way I successfully avoided it (in this case motivating myself with a "stupid" voice in my head telling me i'm like a wolf, i'm awesome), hey it worked, though I felt a little crazy...

drarmstrong 8

Feeling like you can't breathe and actually not being able to breathe are different things entirely. The body's autonomic nervous system will take over if it gets so bad that the person hyperventilates and passes out. They will then recover but usually it doesn't go that far. It just feels like you're gonna die.

I just thumbed this up because it was long and long usually means you put a lot of work into the comment (tiny iPod keys) . I didn't actually read it.... Does that make me a bad person ?

nani_rox 9

That is exactly how I am. During them I bang my head against the wall as hard as I can to try to knock myself out. It feels like the only way to make it go away.

nani_rox 9

I have a counselor, a therapist, a psychiatrist, and take four different medications. It doesn't help me at all.

Well Op you have to grab this presentation by the horns and take charge. Do as much as you can to take the attention off of her and help her relax during it.