It's a doggy dog world

By FMWLife - 11/01/2023 02:00

Today, my 13 year-old daughter took our French Bulldog puppy out to pee. She left him out there and went back inside the house. She didn’t know she had to let him back in and thought he would bark at the door when he was done. It’s been two hours and he’s nowhere to be found. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 026
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That actually is pretty common when the dog is ALREADY TRAINED. You need to teach your child how to be a responsible pet owner, you are the adult here. This includes supervising the dog and keeping it on a leash, but good luck finding him now, French Bulldogs are expensive for a reason.

As the French would say, "c’est la vie"


That actually is pretty common when the dog is ALREADY TRAINED. You need to teach your child how to be a responsible pet owner, you are the adult here. This includes supervising the dog and keeping it on a leash, but good luck finding him now, French Bulldogs are expensive for a reason.

As the French would say, "c’est la vie"

She's 13 - plenty old enough to know to not leave the dog unsupervised, especially if it isn't trained. There's also this awesome invention called a leash so she could hold onto the dog. I can't fathom how she could be so irresponsible.