By ohdearyme - 09/01/2015 12:06 - United Kingdom - Guildford

Today, I found out my boyfriend was on a dating website. He came up as an ideal match for my sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 443
You deserved it 3 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he was on the site prior to their relationship and forgot, that's also reasonable.


It's okay OP. You should find someone that wants to be with you and is not looking for other people.

They might have had the account before their relationship. It's not his fault the site matched him with the sister if that was the case. But that's best-case. I sincerely hope it isn't the worst.

hold up hold up!! the site matched them and there is no evidence that OP's bf did anything inappropriate. His only fault is that he happened to be a member of the same dating website that OP's sister was.

yes but if he had a gf.....why was he the dating site if he wasn't looking for someone else?

If he was on the site prior to their relationship and forgot, that's also reasonable.

It's unwise to assume that OP's boyfriend was up to no good, just because she found a dating site profile. There's the possibility that he had it before their relationship, and simply forgot about it.

Well that is true. most dating sites show a last login date though so OP could check that. But if he did have it before and forgot about it. I agree that is is completely reasonable.

I'm a member of several dating sites since before I met my gf, haven't logged in to them since I met her though, so don't be too quick to judge op's bf.

The real question is, why was op on a dating website if she has a boyfriend? They are both at fault since they are both using that site. In his defense, it could have been an old profile.

...considering he matched with OP's sister, the sister probably told her

How active is the profile. I mean for all we know it was a older profile that wasn't in use.

#62 That is a good point, but it could have been an old profile. I thought of that after the timer ran out for editing. You can buy 1 year memberships for those sites, so he could have made the account before they got together and never deleted it.

19990231 29

Let him date your sister, you might both be happier.

That would be an awkward holiday dinner

19990231 29

He's the only one who's has been doing the eating.

Yeah, they should definitely all change their lives because a computer program on a dating site said so.

I think your nose got a little bigger after this haha

SystemofaBlink41 27

In the faraway future, when #6 changes his profile picture, someone will be very confused.

Dumb him through the same dating website.

What if they're not a good match and OP doesn't find him?

If it's a current profile, Dump him. I caught my husband talking to girls from dating sites a few times and our relationship is wrecked. My advice is leave before it gets worse.