By cmore - 11/03/2010 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, when he finished, seemingly angry. He stood there naked complaining for 15 minutes about how our sex sucked. Then he demanded that I dress him because "it's my fault his clothes were off in the first place". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 029
You deserved it 5 640

Same thing different taste


If that really hurt you emotionally, I would expect you to have cried. If you had any self respect left, you would have gotten his clothes, thrown it outside the door, and told him to **** off for good. That statement was just not on.


see most girls don't see what heyre missing until they grow up and I've realized that I don't want some one who will stay a week or a month at the most I want someone who lasts longer he ur boyfriend, or a little boy cuz he sure sounds like he could use some pampers diapers

That is absolutly amazing. It was your fault and you should have to dress him for your febal attempt.

cindayy77 0

that sounds like what a douche in my grade would do, but, I'll be surprised if he gets any girls in bed with him xD

Hahahahahahahaha... The mental image is ******* hilarious