By cmore - 11/03/2010 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, when he finished, seemingly angry. He stood there naked complaining for 15 minutes about how our sex sucked. Then he demanded that I dress him because "it's my fault his clothes were off in the first place". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 029
You deserved it 5 640

Same thing different taste


Stok35 0

ur doing the same shit to him if u haven't noticed.

importroller 0

maybe you should practice more, then come back and show him what you've learned

7USNavySailor 0

hahaha daaaamn that's so messed! haha

insdel2006 0

"obviously you're still young, because as you get older you see that women have then realized what it is they were missing when dating the jerks, and start dating the nice guys. yes girls when they're teens/ early 20s want the bad boy. but again, when they grow up and get over themselves they look for the nice guy who is usually already taken. just wait- your time will come!!" Wow sounds like fun. When women are young, hot, and haven't had a million dicks run though them yet they want bad boys. Once women hit their mid 30's they want a nerd with some stability errr I mean 'nice guy'; to be their personal atm err I mean 'to be their husband'. Don't be a sucker. Give hot young women what they want, an asshole. It's more fun that way and it works. By the way the op's story sounds hot. I get off on dominating and degrading women so I'll have to try that technique in the future.

ok. I'm only 18 and I have had my boyfriend for 2 years! he is sweet, does anything for me, truly loves me, is my best friend ever, I can talk to him about literally anything, plus he is gorgeous! haha! anyways, I learned very early on to stay away from jerks so I don't think it's an age thing with women! it's the level of maturity you are at! my 23 year old sister is still dating the jerks! so it's not age, it's knowlede and maturity!

_starfucker 0

get yourself a new boyfriend and some new sex moves.

snickerdoodle is ******* ugly as hell. are u not embarassed to put that atrocious image on the internet?