By cmore - 11/03/2010 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, when he finished, seemingly angry. He stood there naked complaining for 15 minutes about how our sex sucked. Then he demanded that I dress him because "it's my fault his clothes were off in the first place". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 029
You deserved it 5 640

Same thing different taste


Um I don't think you could give poor sex...unless he always expects an ******...

ninja_darkstar 6

What a ******* douche you should dump him

CaroAurelia 12

He sounds like a whiny pissbaby at best and an abuser at worst. Dump his ass.

YDI. But only because you let him treat you like that. It sounds like the belonging to an abusive relationship.

What kind of "relationship" is this? Dump his ass after you kick him in the nuts!

DUMP HIM! What is he 5 years old?!?

lol. and this big baby is still your boyfriend??