By cmore - 11/03/2010 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, when he finished, seemingly angry. He stood there naked complaining for 15 minutes about how our sex sucked. Then he demanded that I dress him because "it's my fault his clothes were off in the first place". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 029
You deserved it 5 640

Same thing different taste


haha I personally think this is the funniest thing I have ever read!! props to him!!

Machumamaflaba 0

Seems to me that your boyfriend is a total "Drama Queen"!

Guys watch to much ****, and they expect the girl to act like the girls do in porno's.

greendaygirl112 0
ninito_rd 0

FYL if you dump him... YDI if you stay with the douche.

Why are you with someone who acts like a 6 year old when he doesn't get his way? I'm totally having a family guy moment here.

When i read this i was like oh my gosh, lol you definatly need a new boyfriend. but if your looking to get him back for that tell him to stop being so demanding ;D

wooooow that sucks!!!! you're probably one of those girls who just lays there and does nothing...