By Failed Parent - 11/10/2012 06:59 - United States
Same thing different taste
By sadmommy - 23/04/2012 22:51 - United States - Keller
By diddlebuag - 27/05/2011 22:09 - United States
By don'tdrinkthat - 03/11/2013 22:27 - United States - Quincy
What happened?
By ....ew - 05/04/2024 09:00 - United States
By Ramis182 - 03/10/2011 04:26 - United States
By A-64 - 08/05/2012 20:48 - Belgium - Brussels
By windsoffate - 09/06/2016 16:46 - United States - Portland
Who gave him that?
By Ewyucky - 21/06/2022 06:00 - Canada - Wilberforce
About to Popov
By badmom - 27/03/2009 18:42 - United States
By herpmonster - 23/06/2012 16:59 - Italy
Top comments
Like a rhinestone cowboy
Sounds like someone partied to hard! Lol. Good times. It's better then waking up in jail!
Thanks for thread jacking
Could have been worse. He could have driven home... Though op does not state how he got home.
Who parties on a Thursday night. Especially when he's 16
Ya the kid probably woke up with his butt sore after wearing the pink boots.
Thank you 89 finally someone stands up for me... Lol
It's FML. Get over the thread jacking.
But he's 16. Would he not go to school the next morning?
Wtf is threadjacking
Too* Than*
People are so sensitive on here, threadjacking is not a big deal!
He had an awesome night.
Haha, maybe. But 16 year olds getting drink
Freaking touch screen... What I meant to say was: haha, maybe. But 16 year olds getting drunk is pretty sad. And don't worry OP, you're not a failed parent! Teenagers do stupid stuff. Just talk to your son and try to make him understand how serious this is and that he doesn't do it again.
And a good parent would make sure his day is the opposite of good. Seems like a good morning for getting some yard work done!
i started drinking when i was 14 and im fine today i have a job and am a productive member of society its not all that bad to drink at 16
Yeah it's not illegal at all to drink at 14 or 16. I wonder how OP son got the pink cowboy boots.
He's 16 and shouldn't be drinking. I think like someone else said its a good day to mow the lawn and a family video of him doing it in that outfit. Then post it on his Facebook, you tube and all social media sites so he knows how big of an ass he looks like.
He sure did. He's gunna love college.
I wouldnt do that. thats setting up your own child to get bullied by other kids and what are you gonna do when the cops are at your house because your son is illegallyndrinking?
Actually it depends where you are. A lot of country's it is legal to drink at 16 and ok to drink at 12 but not over 5% alcohol.
Of all the colors, He chose pink...
Go Pink or go home.
Or go home in pink, that is probably best.
It's not common to find a pink pair of cowboy boots either..
Do you really think that in his drunk state he was concerned about the color of his cowboy boots?
96- no, I just said that because I really hate pink...
He was probably wearing pink boots to raise awareness for breast cancer research, what a kind and thoughtful young man :L
Ewwwwww, sorry that you have to clean that up :(
The FML doesn't say who Cleans it
Yea it doesn't but who else is gonna clean up her son, he's passed out obviously.
I'd wake his ass up to make him clean it.
Yeah right. Wake him yo with the hose and make him clean it.
Ack... First of all, "wake him up**" secondly I should have read the replies before I posted a comment, sorry, didn't copy off y'all
I hope this was on the driveway because Old' mister hose can do the trick. Perk of puking outside.
He didn't do much sipping... He guzzled.
True, walking through the street nude is actually grounds for a sex offender charge. OP, your son dodged a bullet.
#174 There's some questions, you just do not ask. This is one of them. Although I'm sure there's got to be a good story behind it.
#174, don't end a sentence with a preposition
Hell yes.
I'm proud of him.
1. He knows how to go out with a bang, 2. He made it home in that condition.

Like a rhinestone cowboy
He had an awesome night.