By emkaycutie - 29/03/2009 18:41 - United States

Today, I was giving a lecture to my class I heard a phone go off. Aggravated and exhausted, I asked everyone to turn their phones off. Then the phone rang again. I lost my shit and spent the next half hour calling my students a bunch of "technology whores". Then I realized the phone was mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 206
You deserved it 200 037

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hahha happend to my teacher too. u shouldnt have yelled tho

Way to go, champ. Don't you know? When you assume, it makes you look like an ass :)


hahha happend to my teacher too. u shouldnt have yelled tho

didou221 0

That was posted from the students view on IMMD. Epic LOL

squirrelbait 0

Today, during a lecture, someone's phone rang. The professor told everyone to turn their phones off. When the phone rang again, he PMSed all over my face, calling us "technology ******". The phone was his. FML

Way to go, champ. Don't you know? When you assume, it makes you look like an ass :)

if he lost his shit, I think that means he lost his face

no, when you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME

Well that's kind of dumb. Don't you know your own message tone or something?

thats hillarious, and its assuming makes an ass of u and me

p1loter 0

haha that's funny. but seriously, if you're near your bag, wouldn't you hear it and realize it was yours? and I agree with #4, why don't you know your own ringtone?

theres really no way to get around the cell phones going off in class. my suggestion is just to incorporate phones off/vibrate on the first slide.

DieInAFire 0

you're the tech ***** and all your students know it! LOL