By alucas3 - 29/05/2016 20:14 - United States

Today, I got a rental car because my car needed new tires and I had a long drive ahead of me. Today, the rental car got a flat tire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 377
You deserved it 1 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Please stop. These puns are getting tyresome.

That must've driven you crazy. You're probably too tired to deal with it. Just try to be more car-ful next time.


That must've driven you crazy. You're probably too tired to deal with it. Just try to be more car-ful next time.

ohthebloodygore 16

^Your profile description makes me want to gag. Seriously, how narcissistic and bitchy can one get? If it is all a joke, then props to you; I was fooled.

That must be a TIREing situation I guess ill see myself out

ohthebloodygore 16

Ask someone if they have a tyre to spare

ohthebloodygore 16

I'm not sure if you're serious. It's conflicting.

ohthebloodygore 16

Please stop. These puns are getting tyresome.

At least you got a flat tire with your rental car and not the brand new tires on your car.

Don't most cars, rentals as well have a spare tyre?

OP, flat aside, I'm confused -- wouldn't it have been cheaper/better/whatever to get new (even if not terrific) tires for your own car than to rent a car for a long trip (rarely cheap) and still need new tires?

Some say my mind is an open book. Doesn't mean you have to read it