Nice try

By Anonymous - 02/11/2020 13:59

Today, after spending days writing up an offer for a condo so my boyfriend and I could move in together with our 9-month-old, we found out they accepted a different offer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 886
You deserved it 308

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's the way the current market is. You have to lock your deal in, literally as soon as there is an opening. For realestate if you're serious you'll even contact sellers who just look like they might sell in the future and get to them before they even have their house listed on the market. With paperwork in your car and bank loans pre-approved at all times

Why do you write so slowly? Did you try to make your offer in cursive? If you used one of those new-fangled digital electronic personal computing apparatuses to send an electronic mail (aka, email), you could have knocked it out in a few minutes.


Why do you write so slowly? Did you try to make your offer in cursive? If you used one of those new-fangled digital electronic personal computing apparatuses to send an electronic mail (aka, email), you could have knocked it out in a few minutes.

That's the way the current market is. You have to lock your deal in, literally as soon as there is an opening. For realestate if you're serious you'll even contact sellers who just look like they might sell in the future and get to them before they even have their house listed on the market. With paperwork in your car and bank loans pre-approved at all times

why do you need to "write up an offer"? don't you go to a lawyer together and have him write a contract?

That's what happens when you take to long to write up an offer.

tounces7 27

It doesn't take days to write up an offer. It takes minutes.