Decisions, decisions

By Anonymous - 24/09/2021 11:00

Today, I'm in hell. I'm mentally and physically exhausted, but if I sleep more than 6 hours, I get crippling migraines. FML
I agree, your life sucks 932
You deserved it 80

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't you be telling this to a doctor, instead of a bunch of trolls and purveyors of obvious advice?

xingyibear 5

the secret to adulthood is naps...all the naps


Shouldn't you be telling this to a doctor, instead of a bunch of trolls and purveyors of obvious advice?

indeed, there are medications now which can be taken for migraine prevention

And these said medications are prescribed by... a) trolls b) purveyors of obvious advice c) doctors d) Tom Hanks.

xingyibear 5

the secret to adulthood is naps...all the naps

Go to a doctor, as soon as possible. that's not okay!

human3rr0r 6

this happens to me too, drs can’t figure out why

human3rr0r 6

this happens to me too drs can’t figure out why :(