By screamo - 02/05/2009 20:44 - United Kingdom

Today, my alarm went off at 6.30. I woke up disorientated, as usual. I looked up and saw a dark, mysterious figure entering my room. Still half asleep, I screamed and dived under my covers. The dark, mysterious figure was my mom. I'm a 21 year old guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 857
You deserved it 46 785

Same thing different taste

By Anonymous - 03/01/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with the lights off. It was 1AM, and I'd just finished watching a scary movie, so I was a little paranoid. I was about to fall asleep, when an eerie light lit the room. I jumped, got tangled in the sheets, and hit my head against the bed frame. Where'd the light come from? Not a space ship. Not someone breaking in. It was my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 559
You deserved it 29 176

Top comments

dang. i wish i had a big, strapping young man like you around my house.

You're one of them manly men, aren't you? Hehe...


coffeennicotine 0

YDI for being such a pansy by screaming like a girl and hiding from your mom.

floatieboatie 0

lol. the way you worded it made it funny.

Kitty34_fml 0

Being scared of a person in your room when you're half asleep isn't a big deal. It's the diving under the covers that is funny to me. Hiding under the blankets isn't going to make a robber or a murderer go away, haha.

# 41 where do you live???? To the poster that is high larious, i can't stop crying. To those wo hate on people living with there parents or relatives there are so many professionals in there 20's and 30's moving in with there parents in mass alone. rent is way to high. also people like to save money so they can get a place of their own. i say if you can live with someone who will charge you little to no rent do it.

#59: "FYL for commenting on a FML story about it's grammar." Come on, _its_ grammar, please. I comment on grammar because bad grammar makes someone look stupid. It's our only interface here on the blagoblag, and the only way I have of seeing if you're a complete moron or not. (Or, to be more accurate, grammar _and_ content, but neither one nor the other is sufficient.) Besides which, you're going to need good grammar when you actually get a real job, so you might as well learn better grammar on the internet rather than learning it from people firing you for being incompetent.

teamvall71406 0

HAHA youre a 21 year old who lives at home and makes up words (disorientated and dived) I LOVE IT!

kellster 2

Dear #59: you're an idiot. First off, how ironic is it that you made a basic and moronic grammatical error like its vs. it's while making fun of other people for commenting on the poster's grammar? Sounds like it's a sensitive point for you. Secondly, you're an idiot for not knowing that "disoriented" and "disorientated" don't mean the same thing. They're different words. To "disorientate" someone means that you have caused them to lose their sense of direction/balance/place, or have confused them. At which point, they have become "disoriented". Do you understand? The first is an active verb enacted upon another person. The second is a state of being. Do a little homework the next time you call other people out!

Dear #31: Shut your bratty bitch ass up. I am a healthcare worker and spend my days taking care of sick people, occassionally getting drenched in their bodily fluids. I read this site to get a little perspective. Most of the stories make me laugh, but I'm sorry if the thought of a 21 year old kid diving under the covers at his mom's house doesn't cut it for me. So mind your own damn business. I guess the only thing you have to worry about at your age is internet predators... but don't worry - you're too ugly for that to be a real concern.

That's kind of funny and awesome... but I hope you meant 'dove.' :)

x3Kiome 0

HAHAHA. It's okay I experinced that before except it was my dad . And I'm a 15 year old girl. =)