By screamo - 02/05/2009 20:44 - United Kingdom

Today, my alarm went off at 6.30. I woke up disorientated, as usual. I looked up and saw a dark, mysterious figure entering my room. Still half asleep, I screamed and dived under my covers. The dark, mysterious figure was my mom. I'm a 21 year old guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 857
You deserved it 46 785

Same thing different taste

By Anonymous - 03/01/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with the lights off. It was 1AM, and I'd just finished watching a scary movie, so I was a little paranoid. I was about to fall asleep, when an eerie light lit the room. I jumped, got tangled in the sheets, and hit my head against the bed frame. Where'd the light come from? Not a space ship. Not someone breaking in. It was my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 559
You deserved it 29 176

Top comments

dang. i wish i had a big, strapping young man like you around my house.

You're one of them manly men, aren't you? Hehe...


haha. this made me laugh! :) too cute!

Disorientated is a word, but it is a verb. The proper usage in this instance is disoriented.

headbuster310 0

wow bro, your such a pussy, grow a pair of nuts. what if that was not your mom, but a robber, what the **** would you do then?

wanderyonder 0

"Disorientated"? No wonder you still live with Mommy. Douche bag.

CuriousRomance 0

Actually, that's amazingly cute. Wouldn't be embarrassed. =P

rachelbrianna25 0

I bet you don't have a girlfriend bc you would never be able to protect her. lol. that's awesome though. you should think of moving out by yourself & you wouldn't have this problem of being scared that ur mom might come in. at least u didn't have mace & spray her with it. lol.

Truan_fml 0

do you have the +1 covers of protection vs dark figures, or something? because seroiusly, what the hell were you thinking?

frvrfaded 0

I find that strangely attractive.

that's........strangely attractive.....