By valnaj1 - 25/12/2012 03:03 - Denmark - Vamdrup

Today, my 14-year-old daughter came home after sneaking out and partying. She was totally drunk, and started crying on my shoulder because some boy named "Thomas" has a small dick, and she had to fake an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 990
You deserved it 27 752

Same thing different taste


fishstick557 14

Your daughter is a ******* *****

The child seems to be entering her rebellious stage. This is not always a result of bad parenting. This could be a result of good parenting & setting boundaries that the 14 year old didn't like. The true test of parenting will be in whatever punishment that's given to OP's child.

Thank you!! I have great parents who were always responsible, teaching me lessons and values, and looking out for me. I had a great childhood too. However I still snuck out and partied. I drank and had sex at 14. I did stupid shit. Peer pressure is a huge factor at that age. It had nothing to do with bad parenting. I knew the consequences and was old enough to deal with them. It was also a (stupid) rebellious stage that i grew out of. I am NOT defending the child here, but the "bad parent". You can be the best parent in the world, but kids still do their own thing. All that said, I agree she should be punished. FYL because you had to find out like that though.

is this directly related to the method of parenting? some say faking is caused by what's in the jeans (;

Sweetpea22 14

Wow, if your daughter isn't on BC I suggest you put her on it if she is having sex this early

As parents we have to remember that our kids are a extension of us. The things they do and the way they act are a direct effect of their upbringing. We have a Responsibility to be parents before friends to our children. Sometimes you need to be stern.

mufasa1026 6

Well what the **** did she expect from a 14 year old boy?! Has she screwed a guy who was older???

That's a terrifying thought, but that's the way it sounds.

I was going to make a light hearted joke about the boy needing to go through puberty before he can have a decent sized penis, but that really is a very disturbing thought that you brought up.

Can we all please say that people (even young people) who have sex don't respect themselves? Sure, drunk sex with a barely-a-teenager is a recipe for disaster, but I don't think this girl is morally bankrupt or self-loathing.

Soo i guess OP has to worry about the daughter's partying and her sex life since she knows what size a dick is considered small