By valnaj1 - 25/12/2012 03:03 - Denmark - Vamdrup

Today, my 14-year-old daughter came home after sneaking out and partying. She was totally drunk, and started crying on my shoulder because some boy named "Thomas" has a small dick, and she had to fake an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 990
You deserved it 27 752

Same thing different taste


Some fine parenting led to this behavior I'm sure.

conholio33 28

Not how you wanted to find out

brand2017 9

Getting kind of irritated about people blaming the OP for this one. Unless you assume all children live in Harry Potter secure bedrooms with barred windows and an outer locked door, teens sneaking out is highly possible. I used to sneak down to my basement to play xbox all night and never once woke my parents. Kids are sneaky, especially when they have a goal in mind. And unless OP is an ultra light sleeper with bat hearing, doubtful that he would have heard his daughter leave. Next, teens are rebellious and hormonal. There may be a number of reasons she broke her trust. Over reacting from a fight with her parents, peer pressure, media, etc. it doesnt all land on bad parenting. Think from both sides people, come on.

jonsey974 3

...fourteen years old....drunk partying....whoring Maybe the world should've ended -__-

I think you are one of those parents who refuse to use the word 'no,' and you send your kids to a school that does not grade the children. You reap what you sow, children need rules

Bulldozer1981 4

Why in GOD's name is a 14 year old having sex? And why in the hell are you letting her do that?? What kind of parents are you?? Be a parent and talk to your child!

12-14 is the average age for females to become sexually active for most of the world. Kindly remove your head from your ass, and take another look around.

DashItAll 10

This kind of post really chaps my ass! Be a parent, not a friend! YDI!

I believe I know the guy... I hate him from the bottom of my heart... He has a tendency of getting together with girls who look shy, having sex with them and dumping them. I'd ask your daughter if they used condoms... Furthermore make a check for all kinds of STDs... That guy is bad... Real bad...

that'd be a fail in the raising & parenting there.

Ya, who let's their kids get away with thinking faking orgasms is a good idea? :/