By valnaj1 - 25/12/2012 03:03 - Denmark - Vamdrup

Today, my 14-year-old daughter came home after sneaking out and partying. She was totally drunk, and started crying on my shoulder because some boy named "Thomas" has a small dick, and she had to fake an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 990
You deserved it 27 752

Same thing different taste


tintaroja 14

14 years old and already faking orgasms??? Not a very bright future for her!

She's 14 years great parenting

As others have said this OP is from Denmark, where there is no legal limit for when you're allowed to drink, only when you can purchase alcohol - at age 16. The drinking culture in Denmark is very special - try to google it. Also, the age for when you can legally have sex is 15, and the average dane loses their virginity at age 16-17. Just because Denmark has other rules and a different culture in some ways, it doesn't mean that it's worse.

jujubunni5 9

I would call Thomas and also inform his parents. If he is also 14 they will have some issues. If he's significantly older then your daughter might need more then a smack across the face

dodson1983 1

I can't believe this, what is the world coming to?

Ooo already on the naughty list for next year. Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is your list of naughty girls.

Wow. Time for some serious Tough Love. You blew it as a parent. Better make an effort to curb her behavior. She's headed for a lot of trouble.

TimmaysRoXy 9

U r a shitty parent!! Beat her ass!!

ardencred 7

Yes mom, you need to tell her to check the package before sitting on it

REALLY? Some people are saying "beat her ass"? What the hell would that accomplish, aside from making her act out even more.