
By Anonymous - 06/07/2023 12:00 - Slovakia - Bratislava

Today, I'm halfway through of packing my stuff as we are moving to another flat. I discovered that I got chickenpox, which means that I should do no hard physical work. I've got a fever and a headache. It started raining in the morning, so loading stuff to truck is going to be so much fun. FML
I agree, your life sucks 696
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't **** around! Getting chickenpox as an adult can be very bad!

Have a good day staying dry in the truck and invoquing chickenpox every time someone asks you to lift a box!


that sucks so bad! I feel for you. my guy n I got super bad upper respiratory infections for the first half of June, take a guess who had to wait on him (the big baby) hand and fit while I was dying myself? anyway, I just hope you don't suffer for too long.

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

You CHOSE to wait on him hand and foot. you didn't HAVE to. Next time tell him to get up off his ass and do it himself

Have a good day staying dry in the truck and invoquing chickenpox every time someone asks you to lift a box!

Don't **** around! Getting chickenpox as an adult can be very bad!