By valnaj1 - 25/12/2012 03:03 - Denmark - Vamdrup

Today, my 14-year-old daughter came home after sneaking out and partying. She was totally drunk, and started crying on my shoulder because some boy named "Thomas" has a small dick, and she had to fake an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 990
You deserved it 27 752

Same thing different taste


Hey man. Thomas had a "white" christmas thats forsurexD no seriously though. Poor guy. Genetics werent kind to him xD

gillygills 5

You should beat the hell out of her

How did you not tear her up?! Looks like you'll be a grandparent in no time at all with those kind of parenting skills.

Time to worry how old petite-dick is and if a lawsuit is in his Christmas stocking this year.

I feel like i know your daughter. By any chance is her name Haley?

Wow... She decided to be a **** very early. It's definitely an FML to have a daughter like that.

and the parent of the year award goes to...

Like mommy like daughter...!!! Both *****...!!!