By valnaj1 - 25/12/2012 03:03 - Denmark - Vamdrup

Today, my 14-year-old daughter came home after sneaking out and partying. She was totally drunk, and started crying on my shoulder because some boy named "Thomas" has a small dick, and she had to fake an orgasm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 89 990
You deserved it 27 752

Same thing different taste


Well I guess this is not the merry Christmas you where hoping for. Guess some better door locks are on the list.

What kind of parent are you to let your 14 year old drink, party and have sex? That's not right at all

Which part of "sneaking out of the house" confused you?

jujubunni5 9

I would call Thomas and also inform his parents. If he is also 14 they will have some issues. If he's significantly older then your daughter might need more then a smack across the face

I don't want to be around you. FYL. Poor kid!!!

Sounds like she has had experience with a wide variety if she can differentiate penis size ! Just saying.

Hey man. Thomas had a "white" christmas thats forsurexD no seriously though. Poor guy. Genetics werent kind to him xD