By OhGeez - 08/06/2009 19:41 - Canada

Today, I got hypnotized at my school's variety show. Apparently, when asked to do something I enjoy doing, I began to violently hump the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 024
You deserved it 22 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

wow, that sucks. At least you didn't call out someone's name like your mom's, dog's, sister's etc...

that must have been awkward afterwards :)


4bbaf9d3caaa8f84 20

wow, that sucks. At least you didn't call out someone's name like your mom's, dog's, sister's etc...

read # 185 i can tell you you will be lufaof12gdh (laughing your ******* ass off for 12 god damn hours) rub your belly till it is shinny kind of laughing

Peter_File 0

@bizz8290 that wasn't funny at all... you in 4th grade or something?

jasonsaied 1

yea dude it wasn't funny. it was gay

it wasn't funny at alllllll, just annoying.

stompyogranma 0

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maloneybabe13 0

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Herropreez17 0

Ummm it's not his fault? There isn't anything he can do about the fact hes a teenage boy and thinks about sex constantly. All teen guys are like that. Can't do anything about it.

You're one of those scumbags who just press YDI for every FML

Most teenagers are like that. Boys and girls.

that must have been awkward afterwards :)

dude, that just says you like getting laid, no problem witht hat

adriane209 0

lol, except for the fact that he was, "violently" humping the floor.

I'm sorry....but this really cracked me up! Seriously thought...that majorly sucks!

ohhsnapp 0

lol....wowwwww. that sucks

herpEs_fml 0

wonder if this is a guy or a girl

PeaceLoveLaney 13

it's a guy. hence the sign at the top of the page.

Lol, it is embarassin g but it's not a true FML, everyone loves to hump the floor.

Jakil_Spectre 0

OMG thats freaking hilarious. That had to be embrassing when you came to. LMAO