By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 20:00 - Canada
Same thing different taste
By cuteloser - 04/10/2014 13:57 - Australia
By Anonymous - 28/11/2020 02:02
By Anonymous - 30/07/2013 01:10 - United States
By WiltedFlower - 31/07/2009 16:02 - United States
By Bassackward - 25/08/2016 05:53
By KarolBee - 14/05/2009 06:48 - United States
By igiveup - 21/12/2012 03:31 - Australia - Sydney
By Anonymous - 08/06/2009 21:11 - United States
The best laid plans…
By Anonymous - 03/02/2023 18:00
By Noname - 05/03/2009 02:18 - United States
Top comments
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Show it anywayThat's when you take the shit back, hand her a breadstick and tell her to wait in the ******* car while you enjoy your dinner.
#1, he doesn't have to give her anything. Gifts aren't an obligation towards an anniversary of dating.
I would of resonded to her, "Oh, your real gift? Well you get to pay the bill for tonight. Happy anniversary."
Pull the good 'ol go to the bathroom and don't come back trick.
Tell her your gift is your time, and seeing as time=money and you've spent a year on her, that's a lot of money.
I wonder what the girlfriend gave OP.
awww it was so romantic. OP's gf doesnt need a "real" gift. that one came from the heart, and if she didnt like it, she shouldnt get any gift
That's when OP takes a napkin, writes "You're single!" on it, gives it to her, and says "This is my gift to myself!"
I'm with number 1. That isn't s gift. Get her something useful, what would she do sit flowers.
You're a bitch
Should've made her walk home. Or take the bus.
ask: "you're gift? it's tine for MY gift" then pull down your pants and demand a ******* in the middle of the restaurant
220 Marry me
**** that noise son, OP's a class act and did good by her; besides, what'd she get him?
19 hit the nail on the head. I hope you got her meal in a doggy bag and ate it for lunch, after dumping the bitch.
some women get mad if you get them impersonal expensive gifts. some women get mad if you get them inexpensive personal gifts. either make sure you've got your girl down cold or give a mix of both.
I kinda wanna punch her in the face because it's bitches like these who take up all the decent guys and leave the douchebags for the rest of us.
What an ungrateful bitch. I wouldn't take that bullshit if I were you.
I couldn't edit so: what OP did was really thoughtful and sweet. I wish my ex had done half as much.
I'd love roses and a poem! What an ungrateful bitch.
some people Just want material objects and feel cheated if they don't get anything else
Time for a new girlfriend leave that materialistic chic Alone... It will only get worst
I did just about the something for my ex gf on Sunday and she did the same thing, mate that's when you break up with them
You don't deserve her. Obviously you've never been a pimp.
Dump her, she's obviously NOT worth any of the things you did for her. None of the guys I've ever dated never even bought me one rose. Which is why they're all kicked to the curb. Find someone who will appreciate the romance. Don't waste anymore of your hard earned money on that slag.
I hope you mean ex-girlfriend OP.
Ya I kno im not a girl but I'd certainly take the cookies! Who doesn't love ******* cookies?
"Where's my real gift?" "where's my real girlfriend?"
Gold digger, time to move on down the road.
I would be so ecstatic to have some one write a poem for me and buy me flowers! Poetry is beautiful. She's a bitch.
Yeah, the OP did plenty.
That's messed up. Shes spoiled
She wanted a ring. Not necessarily spoiled.
She's most likely a damn gold digger.
She may not be spoiled it's possible that she had spent alot of money on OP for the present she gave him so was expecting a "real" present back. Although roses and cookies are cute butthey aren't really something she can keep to remember the day.
SHE JUST WANTS UR DICK! And 108- ur ******* retarded. getting married is a huge decision which you dont do after only 1 year
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Show it anywayNo. He took his girlfriend out to dinner.
pretty sure its op not literally, but if hes the one baking cookies...
#2 was inferring that op is like a girl.
I didn't know that being thoughtful meant you are a woman...
20- if my bf doesn't know how to bake a batch of cookies, I'm dumping his ass. and the rest of him too
#2.. Not sure if trolling..or just stupid..
Op just tell her ur present is to let her give u A ********, then she will write to FML
Hey, cut #2 some slack. Maybe OP's lesb?
Actually, #77, #2 was *implying* that OP is a girl. You were inferring. #definitions
How is it even possible to read it as OP being the girlfriend? No matter how I read it, it always sounds the same. OP is quite obviously the boyfriend.
202- NEVER again should you hashtag on FML. This isn't twitter...
#2, a lot of ppl don't like ur comment LOL
#2: At least some of us understood your comment. I thumbed you up!
83, why be stereotypical for? If a chick can do it, why can't a guy. And the other way around? Sometimes I pray for humanity. This is one of those times.
wow assholes like you give guys a bad name. just because he is sweet doesn't mean he's girly if anything it shows incredible confidence .
#2 Lets be honest here, if your boyfriend bought you cookies, roses, and a poems, you'd be expecting a gift to back it all up...
By going to their profile and clicking "Send a private message."
You'd better have a well paying job! Good luck lol
You probably thought this was a comment, nope Chuck Testa
What a ******* greedy bitch! If that were me, I would just be fine with the Italian restaurant, but you still gave her more, OP. Plus, you didn't even have to do anything for her. She should be thankful you even remembered.
**** and ass shouldn't rule a relationship if those are the qualities you are speaking of.
95, I don't get your sentence, "You do not get it.. Do not you?" what does that mean?
I guess he speaks fluent yoda, Other qualities, she must have, do not you think?
And that's when you whip out the pimp hand from behind your back and teach her a lesson on the importance of appreciation. :)
A public break up is in order.
hahahaha agreedddd

What an ungrateful bitch. I wouldn't take that bullshit if I were you.
That's when you take the shit back, hand her a breadstick and tell her to wait in the ******* car while you enjoy your dinner.