By lolographic24 - 13/02/2010 13:44 - Norway

Today, it was my turn to take out the trash. While walking to the dumpster, I slip and fall. It doesn't really hurt, so I get up and go to the dumpster, but the top is frozen stuck. It won't budge. Then I really pull with a lot of force, and the lid swings open and busts my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 335
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mx_Rider 6

LMFAO this fml is full of fail. from the moment you started typing to the part where you busted your damn nose :D


Averizzle 0


AngryNinja 1
Diannaa 0

ooouuchh.. sorry to hear that OP

YDI. Learn how to walk properly. Also, learn how to open a trash can lid. Idiot.

NegativeZ 0

#122 **** off dude. It was frozen. Not his fault. You've never used too much force to open something and it hit you?

Dixie_Normous 0

78 I was thinking the same thing

pipp360 0

nooooooooo watch out for the dumpster!

Every professional trash-thrower knows to slam the edge of the lid instead of keep pulling the lid!

You should've just left your garbage or your dead hooker on top of the dumpster. FYL

really sorry OP.... fyl. but I did laugh, you were working real hard to put out ur trash poor thing.

I thought the same thing until I saw OP is from Norway. I assume English is not his first language.

I'm from Norway and I don't mess up tenses. Norwegian and English are so similar that there's really no excuse to not speak fluent English if you're Norwegian.

lickmyjock 0

snickerdoodles needs to invest in a life. just sayin(:

lickmyjock 0

leave snickerdoodles alone, I think she's kinda cute. 

Ajjas013 6

What the hell, Norwegian and English are not at all similar. I credit television for my linguistic abilities...

snickerdoodles sounds pissy all the time and has no life bitchy about all the fmls

I hate when they can't pick a tense and stick to it...

Mx_Rider 6

LMFAO this fml is full of fail. from the moment you started typing to the part where you busted your damn nose :D

skyshark 0

@11, the moment he started typing was after he busted his nose. Hence he couldn't type about busting his nose if he didn't know hecwas going to do it yet.