By badluckantonio - 25/08/2011 05:29 - Canada

Today, I was taking out the garbage at work when I slipped and fell into the garbage container. The scent was so bad that a bus driver denied me a ride home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 038
You deserved it 3 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

"Sorry, but I cannot allow you on this bus. You are going to have to walk yo stanky ass home."

nixter5 18

You fell in? How did you manage to do that?


nixter5 18

You fell in? How did you manage to do that?

I was thinking the same thing! Aren't they about 4 1/2 - 5 ft tall? That really sucks OP, I can't even imagine the smell...actually I don't want to I can barely take out the trash it smells horrendous.

Or perhaps where he exits work is somehow elevated above the gabage container, which would make it easy to fall in.

Were you carrying it above your head or something

jillianmathers12 13

I saw ur pic on my friends profile... So it's not urs

iAmScrubs 19

"Sorry, but I cannot allow you on this bus. You are going to have to walk yo stanky ass home."

You forgot the word "stanky" somewhere in that sentence.

Axe wouldn't get rid of the smell, just mix with that stanky garbage smell. So it would even smell more skanky.

I don't see how you can fall into your garbage container

fishing for what was left of someone's BLT Footlong - gotta save that 5 bucks for smokes

vhillsflove 0

How do you fall in a 6 ft high dumpster?

yadisingh 5

How could you possibly know it was 6 feet tall? Also, It might not have been a dumpster at all.

Ive never seen one of the FML team comment before lol

he's selfish. gonna make all those other people suffer when she walks by .... smh

Flash him your *******, that always works.

perdix 29

The OP is named Antonio, so unless the bus driver is into moobs, your thesis is invalid.