By girlie5445 - 13/02/2010 08:49 - United Kingdom

Today, I went on a date with a cute guy. After picking me up, he started to play on repeat, and sing to me, 'Happy Together' by The Turtles. For the entire 20 minute ride. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 842
You deserved it 3 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

marie93uso 0

why is that bad?? it's a good song! I guess not good for a first date though

perdix 29

And after the third or fourth time, his cuteness layer peeled off and the creepy, deranged stalker was revealed. I'm sure you'll be "happy together" when chunks of you end up in his freezer.


cowgod 0

she should have left an impression of her fist on his face

crimewc 0
pwincessa23 1

I think she wanted "I want to **** you" or "smack that" or even "sexual healing" idk

Guuurlplease 0

I like that song. This isn't even an Fml

g02hell 2

82 i just want you to know I thing your great.

I bet he would be singing it while he dismembered you in the woods too.

Hiropon 0

Yes yes. He's a total keeper. Marry him and have his babies, then grow old and happily die listening to that same song. IT'LL BE A DREAM COME F'CUKING TRUE. :D JK. If he's trying to provoke you, dump his sorry ass. (^_-)

This brings up an important question…is he a good singer? lmao. he must sing it alot if he knows all the guess is more than one girl found this anoying...

that's quite possibly one of the most awkward situations i've ever heard of.

Boygenius50 8

Hey 72 how did you like my Flyers opening up a can of whoopass on the Canadiens Thursday and Friday? Yeeeeaaaah son Jeff Carter is a BEAST

marie93uso 0

why is that bad?? it's a good song! I guess not good for a first date though

Or for 20 minutes! I would expect to have conversations on the first date. This would be a cute moment the first play. After that you're boring, annoying, and obviously more interested in entertaining yourself than in interacting with me.

MF12 0

hm. how did I know you were the same idiot that commented on the fml about the garbage?

Ajjas013 6

I thought people with cool cars were nice, self respecting people. They're just showoffs.

is this guy annoying the hell out of anyone else? No? Just me? Oh. Never mind.

So, you ask if you can listen to something else. Sorry, idc how cute someone is, Im not going to listen to a song over and over for 20 minutes.

lol agreed if that were me I would have ended up jumpin out of the car... but that's jus me..

Ajjas013 6
Ajjas013 6

Edit: I read it wrong I thought it said Happy Birthday, not Happy Together.

fmlrage 0

thank you!!! I was just about to say that. what a moronic bitch, complains about a most excellent song and calls the artist by the wrong damn name.

camraja901 5

who cares stop complaining get over it...

perdix 29

And after the third or fourth time, his cuteness layer peeled off and the creepy, deranged stalker was revealed. I'm sure you'll be "happy together" when chunks of you end up in his freezer.

lickmyjock 0

best damn leftovers I've had in a long time. I got tired of those Swanson tv dinners.

Averizzle 0
Jrook 0

Okay, what the ****? That was a really stupid comment. Joke or no joke, you're an idiot for saying that.

perdix 29

The cannibalism jokes are just jokes. Mine definitely are and I'm sure that lickmyjock's are, too. I liked his joke that followed my comment.

Agreed. Once is cute, twice is tactless and annoying, third time is just creepy. I'm with OP, and I would have been bailing from the car at the first red light.

Boygenius50 8

Dude it's like the FML all-star game going on here, with Perdix and Pendatic on the same team!

Mx_Rider 6

hello perdix :D OP its not that bad?! ungrateful bitch.