By drakx88 - 06/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, it was my final meeting with my psychologist who was helping me with my bipolar disorder. I just found out that he committed suicide. FML
I agree, your life sucks 133 036
You deserved it 6 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's horrible... whoever said you deserved that one is an asshole.

Sometimes the people best at helping others, cannot help themselves. I've known MANY people who had good, solid relationship advice...and had the worst relationships. They couldn't do for themselves, but they help/ed a lot of people. I would also suggest learning from his last lesson; as bad as you feel about him doing this...your family & friends would go through that but a million times *worse* if you had taken your own life. Pretty awful stuff. :(


Damn man, that sucks. But don't go and think it was your fault, it had nothing to do with you. Just try and find another psychologist that will be able to truly help you.

ummmyeahhh 0

#11- Way out of line!!!! People can't help the fact that they are ill, so why is it the OP's fault for trying to get HELP?? Usually the people who help us are unable to help themselves, and thus try to do the most they can. OP, I'm sorry for your loss. Hopefully this won't set you back. This was NOT your fault. Good luck with your new psychologists.

Becca_fml 0

I have bipolar disorder also - I can't imagine what I would do if that happened to my doctor. Don't listen to these idiots who said it was your fault. Find a new doctor and focus on your wellness.

It's probably not your fault. Doctors tend to ignore medical symptoms until it's too late

pyro_metal 0

they say psychologists have a high rate of suicide... since they spend their whole lives dealing with other people's problems, which can be pretty difficult to deal with. :

whatsthedealio 0

#6 you are totally right! I always give advice to my best friends about their love interests and they are all in longterm, happy relationships but Ive been single for two years!

as someone training to be a psychologist, my professors have advised my classmates and me to get a therapist once we start private practice

ashleyza101 0

i will take responsiblity in accidently hitting 'its your fault' i was trying to scroll the page down and my mouse clicked it im sorry this was deffinatly not your fault