By shelovespiano - 22/12/2015 03:40 - United States - Ponte Vedra Beach

Today, after adjusting me, my chiropractor said I should stop sitting for long periods of time, because it's likely the reason for my chronic back pain. My job is as his front-desk receptionist. He yells at me if I'm not at my seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 833
You deserved it 1 601

hfslkp47012759 tells us more.

OP here:) Y'all are pretty nice xD I should have been more specific...if I'm standing even an inch from my chair I receive comments about how I should not take the job lightly and someone could come in. What's even more ironic is that he actually recommends that I stretch in the back room, but like I said, I am given a talking to if I move much further than the printer...all in all I do enjoy my job:) I was very lucky to get it at all and I'm saving up for college. I doubt that I'll be able to fix my back issues at the university, but I'll do my best:) Kisses, Sophie ?

Top comments

Maybe you should have a conversation with him about it...

Get a "doctors" note from him, just so you can flash it in his face when he questions why you're standing at work. I'm sure you both will appreciate the redundancy.


Maybe you should have a conversation with him about it...

Right. but I'm wondering why OP can't stand or stretch by her desk. standing doesn't consist of wandering around the office.

OP here:) Y'all are pretty nice xD I should have been more specific...if I'm standing even an inch from my chair I receive comments about how I should not take the job lightly and someone could come in. What's even more ironic is that he actually recommends that I stretch in the back room, but like I said, I am given a talking to if I move much further than the printer...all in all I do enjoy my job:) I was very lucky to get it at all and I'm saving up for college. I doubt that I'll be able to fix my back issues at the university, but I'll do my best:) Kisses, Sophie ?

Maybe ask him if you can make your desk a standing desk

Is there a chiropractor with a bigger brain in your city you could be seeing?

I fail to see how telling her the fact that sitting for long periods of time is bad for you=dumb chiropractor. I believe the boss is the problem, insult his intellect instead.

Read the FML again. The chiropractor and OP's boss are the same person.

mariri9206 32

#20 people today have really poor posture, especially when you're sitting, so, if you have a job that's predominantly sitting at a desk, it's not unlikely to have back issues. That's probably what the chiropractor means.

This is a legitimate situation, and they should not be required to sit if it causes physical harm. It's illegal for the employer to make such demands, unless the job absolutely demands it. This is clearly not the case. You obviously have not suffered chronic pain.

Get a "doctors" note from him, just so you can flash it in his face when he questions why you're standing at work. I'm sure you both will appreciate the redundancy.

I think op needs to learn how to sit with perfect posture. Might help. Do some stretches ? **** idk.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

#34, I don't think you understand how this works.

There may be a difference in being at your seat and not sitting all day. We need more information!

Wow, he's invented an odd sort of self-sustaining customer base.

You said at, not in. I'm sure if you talk to him you can stand. Hopefully he doesn't charge you for getting adjusted.

Just tell him you can't sit down because your back hurts. If he doesn't listen then ignore him. If he still yells at you, talk to HR about it.

gemstone586 12

you've never been to a chiropractor, have you? HR is probably also her chiropractor...

OP you should try and go to a proper doctor and get a diagnosis, or at least a referral to pain specialists such as the pain clinic, and some treatment rather than relying on a chiropractor who could cause quite a lot of damage if he is wrong.