By Anonymous - 31/10/2009 23:37 - United States

Today, it was Halloween, and I was giving candy to kids. When a group of kids who looked like they were around 4 years old came up to me and said, "Hey mister, do you have one of those things that make it look like you are fat under your shirt?" I didn't have one of those, but I lied and said, "Yes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 028
You deserved it 6 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've got one of those, but I keep it under my skin too...I call it "lard".

If that was me, I would say the same thing


Lol i dont think this is a FML at all, the op just completely WIN +1ed these grasshoppers.

who is saying he lied? op do have one of those things like make him look fat under his shirt, it's his fats

falon142012 22

Don't know the difference between your and you're? You must be a winner too!

If that was me, I would say the same thing

Don't lie to kids unless you want a big, fat slap in the face, pun intended. *thwack*

I've got one of those, but I keep it under my skin too...I call it "lard".

ok so your fat, and you celebrate halloween, a holiday that makes you even fatter? interesting.

Ah, I didn't know that giving out candy to kids makes you fatter.

Being fat and a liar are never a good combination.

DoomJeff91 2

What, you've never seen Shrek?

Silverill 0

next time u meet them just tell them that it feels good with it.

perdix 29

"Yes, they're called 'manboobs' and no candy for you, unless you want to grow up and have manboobs."

#9's right you should have looked right at them and said I looked just like you once then I ate too much candy and woke up like this !

_Naboo_ 0

Really? They're kids, they didn't mean anything by it if they're younger than 9. Older than that and kids become little bitches.

stupiddumbblonde 0

Ahhhhhhhhhh...Halloween. good times, good times. :)