By tiredmomma - 21/07/2016 21:30 - United States - Boston

Today, is my one day off for the week. My mother in law is visiting, and has decided we need to rearrange my living room. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 598
You deserved it 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The word is NO. Meet it. Use it. Make it your own. You're going to need it with this mother-in-law.

Politely tell her you have prior engagement with a co-worker or boss, idk and just go put with some friends, have a beer, a burger, catch a ball game... If she wants to reaarange the house let her do it on her own!


how about you decide for her to leave your house alone and kick her out

Politely tell her you have prior engagement with a co-worker or boss, idk and just go put with some friends, have a beer, a burger, catch a ball game... If she wants to reaarange the house let her do it on her own!

What? She's trying to rearrange OP's living room, not her own. @OP: Tell her no. And if she doesn't accept that tell her she's free to leave. She's your guest, it's not her place to decide how your place is arranged.


see how she likes you rearranging her home

The word is NO. Meet it. Use it. Make it your own. You're going to need it with this mother-in-law.

chill99 15

Yes, I agree! I have a MIL like yours and she is never considerate of me and never will be. So, stand your ground (but politely because you will have to interact with her until the end of time) and don't give in. Also, don't let her do it at all, even without you as others have suggested, because once she gets to do what she wants she'll keep going until she takes over your life. Good luck!!

I will never understand why some people feel like they have the right to decide what other people should and should not do. I hope you did what YOU wanted.

Goblin182 26

What makes her think that is her decision?

I'm sorry OP. I too have a monster-in-law that does similar things. I feel for you.

I swear my future in laws better not be like this and try to control my life or they will not be welcome in my home. Make your voice known to her that it's your house and not her's.

It's your home - have it how _you_ like it.