Let it be

By Anonymous - 09/02/2024 16:00 - United States - Wesley Chapel

Today, it seems that I can't enjoy one fucking weekend without my mom finding work for me to do to take up my time, and I'm sick of it! FML
I agree, your life sucks 396
You deserved it 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Do you live with her? If yes, are you an adult paying the bills? If you live with her and are an adult paying the bills, move out. If you are not paying the bills while living with her, your contribution helps to pay your way. If, however you live away from her, then I feel for you.

welcome to the real world, where weekends are spent doing your household chores and other things you can't get to during the week


Do you live with her? If yes, are you an adult paying the bills? If you live with her and are an adult paying the bills, move out. If you are not paying the bills while living with her, your contribution helps to pay your way. If, however you live away from her, then I feel for you.

welcome to the real world, where weekends are spent doing your household chores and other things you can't get to during the week

jlc82 9

boo ******* hoo...her house her rules move out if you don't like it. if you don't live there, grow a pair and learn how to say no