By biblio - 18/01/2009 02:55 - United States

Today, I told the man I love to "go first" when we started talking at the same time. I wanted to confess my feelings, he wanted to tell me about his engagement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 207
You deserved it 2 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

at least he went first and didn't make it awkward as hell

Shia, that little voice you're talking about prevented me from contracting herpes. More than meets the eye.


Ouch. I hope everything worked out for the best.

Shia_fml 0

Yup... I had that happen to me... dated a guy, only to find out two months before he got married that he was engaged, two day's before he got married he called me and told me "he loved me" wtf... luckily I had never had sex with him during our one year, there was just something that told me not too.. good thing for sense... "maybe he just wante da fling before he's wedding, thank god I never went"

Shia, that little voice you're talking about prevented me from contracting herpes. More than meets the eye.

at least he went first and didn't make it awkward as hell

22cute 17

No kidding! It could have been worse if OP had confessed her feelings first only to hear of his engagement immediately after.

You wanted to confess your feelings, which means that he had no idea. Which means that you weren't seeing each other. You love someone who you're not even seeing? No, you're crushing in a creepy way.

You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

Better that he talked first I think, saves you alot of pain. Also loving someone without knowing them is completly superficial, just saying. (Ps. I don't know your situation, you might know him of course)

SavannahLeigh 0

Well, at least he didn't let you go first instead... That would be awkward .

etherealjoy 0

well imagine how embarassed you wud have been if you had gone first. atleast this way you cud make him the ass rather then you the idiot